Friday, September 17, 2010

New Toys! - Grundy Center, IA Children's Photographer

Monday was my birthday and my AWESOME husband spoiled me with a new lens and flash for my camera!!!!

I spent a little bit of time today outside with Max, testing everything out! I took around 78 pictures and ended up with some definite keepers! Max is always a total goof ball when he has his picture taken though, so I rarely get good smiles, just funny looks and cheesy smiles, but it is totally him!!! Here are a few of my favs from our little mini-session! These are straight off my camera, no editing.

I found some new locations this week that I'm excited to try out. Weather-permitting, that's the plan for this weekend! So, if all goes as planned, look for some more pics posted early next week.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Little Princess - Cedar Rapids, IA Baby Photographer

I had a great session last week with the "V" family. Little "K" was such a perfect little model...full of smiles!

She even tested out the new tutus, headbands, and pearls!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Beautiful Day for a Photoshoot! - Grundy Center, IA Children's Photographer

As I was checking my e-mail earlier today, Max noticed my camera sitting on the desk and wanted his picture taken. So, after taking a few candids out in the sunroom with the natural light shining through, I decided to take him down to my "studio" and take some more. Max isn't always a fan of having his picture taken, but he seemed to be in the right mood for it, so I figured I should take advantage. However, being a 2-year-old and all, his mood didn't stay that way for long! :) We did manage to get a few good pictures though. Here is a sneek peek! The rest will be posted on my Facebook Fan Page later today!

Remember, if you would like to schedule your own session, feel free to call or e-mail me anytime! Hope everyone has a great Valentines Day!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Welcome - Cedar Falls, IA Newborn Photographer

First things first, welcome to my blog! I'm glad you're here! This is my very first post, so bear with me. I'm sure I'll get better at all this!

I'm just getting my photography business started and I'm VERY excited!! Matt (my hubby) and I decided within the last couple weeks that it might be a good idea to do more "on location" sessions rather than "in studio" since the "studio" is our house right now and we live in the middle of nowhere! So, since all my equipment is portable, we have decided that it would make more sense for me to go to my clients homes or other location as often as possible. Way easier for you guys!

I had my first newborn session last week. It was a lot of fun! Here is a peek at baby "J"!

He was such a good baby and stayed awake during the entire session!

Let me know if you are interested in a session! Right now I'm trying to expand my portfolio, so I'm offering FREE sessions and no obligation to purchase any prints! However, if you do want to order, I'm offering very low prices!

Feel free to e-mail me anytime at with any questions!